Speakers and Panellists

Marika Guralnik

Marika Guralnik

Marika Guralnik is the President of the Estonian Actuarial Society. As a representative of Estonia in the International Actuarial Association (IAA), Marika is a member of the IAA Nomination, Strategic Planning and Advanced Committees. Previously she also took part in the IAA ISAP4 task force focusing on the best practices of IFRS17 implementation. Marika is heading actuarial and insurance technical services at Compensa Life Insurance VIG SE, a subsidiary of Vienna Insurance Group, across the three Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Most recently she has led the IFRS17 implementation in the company. 

Charles Cowling

Charles Cowling is the President of the International Actuarial Association, currently focusing on AI and the future role of actuaries as key topics during his presidential term. Previously, he served as the Chief Actuary of Mercer in the UK, acted a principal actuarial adviser to several companies and pension schemes. Charles has pioneered modern corporate finance techniques in actuarial work and chaired several committees within the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and is a prolific author and speaker at international conferences. 

Meelis Kull

Meelis Kull is an Associate Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Tartu in Estonia. His academic focus includes uncertainty quantification and calibration in machine learning and the trustworthiness of AI systems. Meelis is the Head of the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence which develops methods for building reliable AI systems with various applications across public and private sectors. 

Abraham Hernández

Abraham (Abe) Hernández is the President and co-founder of VITALIS and Today for Tomorrow, providing consulting and investment services for private pension plans and institutional investors. Additionally, he holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Instituto dos Actuarios Portugueses and is Past Chairman of the Pensions, Benefits and Social Security Section of the International Actuarial Association, and is a Board Member of International Association of Consulting Actuaries. He serves on the board of public and private companies, investment and private equity funds, as well as Family Offices. 

Bogdan Tautan

Bogdan Tautan is a co-Vice Chair for the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science working group at the Actuarial Association of Europe (AAE). He is also a member of the International Actuarial Association’s Professionalism committee, the Task Force on AI – chairing the Governance workstream. He has co-authored several publications on various AI topics in actuarial practice. Alongside these roles, Bogdan is part of the Royal Dutch Actuarial Association and is currently active as a Reinsurance & Capital Analyst at Achmea Reinsurance in the Netherlands. 

Terence Narine

Terence Narine is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries. He currently works as the Vice-President and Financial Risk Officer of the Americas (US, Canada and Latin America) for RGA Re, a Fortune 500 company. He is the Chairperson of the Health Forum of the International Actuarial Association (IAA). Terry has also traveled to Asia and Africa to work with local insurers and regulators in developing sustainable insurance products. Terry has written several research papers published as e-books of the Joint Risk Management Committee of the Casualty Actuarial Society, Society of Actuaries and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

Dr. Maximilian Happacher

Dr. Maximilian Happacher is Member of the Executive Board of ERGO International AG and Chair of the Executive Board of the German Actuarial Association (DAV). Accounting Standards and IFRS 17 have been one of the key topics of Maximilian’s work in the DAV and also in his further mandates at Allianz as Chief Actuary and Head of Actuarial Function and his experiences in the Accounting department. He assumed the role as Head of the IFRS Working Group in the DAV in 2011. Since then, he has been focusing on IFRS17 techniques and further development. Moreover, he contributes his knowledge in the DAV Committees Life Insurance, Enterprise Risk Management as well as Accounting and Regulation. For more than 10 years he was member of the Insurance Accounting Committee of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) bringing in his many years of actuarial and accounting knowledge in an international context. 

Rokas Gylys

Rokas Gylys is the CFO and a member of the Management Board at SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE. Rokas has more than 25 years of experiance both as an actuary and finance professional. In 2009-2017 Rokas served as the president of the Lithuanian Actuarial Society. 

Tomas Milašius

Tomas Milašius is the Chairman of the Management Board at Compensa Life VIG SE since April 2022, having also served as Deputy Chairman since 2018. His expertise includes business strategy development, governance systems, financial and actuarial analysis, and compliance with EU regulatory requirements such as Solvency II, GDPR, IDD, and AML4. With over 22 years of experience in the insurance industry, including roles in non-life insurance sales, Tomas has been a member of the Management Board at Compensa Life VIG SE since 2007, being responsible for main areas of insurance business such as insurance sales, customer service, policy administration, underwriting and claims handling. 

Erki Mölder

Erki Mölder has been involved in healthcare and life sciences for over twenty years. From 1999 to 2013 he helped Quattromed to grow from from Tartu University spin-off to the biggest regional laboratory operating in three countries and employing over 200 employees. Quattromed was acquired in 2013 by Synlab.
Since 2013, Erki has been investing into early stage healthtech companies.
Erki is the Founder of Health Economy Association (established in 2019) and first HealthTech-related business accelerator Health Founders (established in 2020).
Since 2019, Erki has acts as a venture partner for Europe for Singapore-based Verge HealthTech Fund and joined the team as managing partner in 2022.

Jan Küthe

Jan Küthe is an Actuary (DAV) from Germany and works at Akur8 as an Actuarial Data Scientist to help insurance companies unlock the potentials of the twenty-first century. Before that he has been working as an Actuarial Consultant for three years. He holds a Masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Bonn and is an avid reader of the books of Anna Seghers and Dietmar Dath.

Pille Banhard

Pille Banhard is member of Management Board of Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF). Pille is responsible of financial management, health insurance technical services and customer services of EHIF. She has finished Tallinn University of Technology and holds a master’s degree in economics (MAE).
She has been working in finance area both in public and private sector, having experience also leading the finance team and functions in private insurance company.

Margus Liigand

Margus Liigand oversees product development, underwriting, and investments as a board member of Swedbank P&C and Swedbank Life Insurance. He began working in the insurance business in 1993 and has served on the Estonian board of Aon. He worked to create P&C business at Swedbank after entering the company, and from 2009 to 2017, he also held the position of CEO. He then additionally accepted a job assignment at Swedbank Life Insurance and has remained in his current role ever since. While having a degree in law, he has spent a significant amount of his life with actuaries.

Luca Cavaliere

Luca Cavaliere is Principal and Managing Director for Milliman’s practices in Italy and Central and Eastern Europe, which include the offices in Milan, Warsaw, Bucharest, Istanbul, and the satellite office in Nicosia, Cyprus. His team also carries out insurance consulting missions in other parts of Europe. Since he joined Milliman in 2008, Luca has worked on a wide range of assignments, including for a large number of Italian insurers and multinationals. His experience includes M&A, financial modelling, Asset Liability Management, Solvency II, local and IFRS reporting. Prior to joining the firm, he worked in the Italian insurance industry for eight years. Luca is also a member of the finance commission and the regional committee of the Italian Actuarial Association.

Tarmo Koll

As a qualified actuary Tarmo Koll worked more than 15 years on different actuarial positions in the Baltics and in Germany. In 2014 he joined the Management Boards of ERGO life and non-life companies as COO and CFO in the Baltics. From 2020 Tarmo was responsible for creating a new non-life insurance company in LHV Group as a Management Board member. Currently Tarmo is offering financial and actuarial consulting services in Aktuaarsed Lahendused OÜ. Tarmo has been President of EAL and member of the Executive Committee of the IAA. He has chaired the Advice and Assistance committee of the IAA and serves currently as the IAA delegate to ASTIN. 

Matvei Mirosnikov

Matvei Mirosnikov is an actuary at Allianz Commercial in Switzerland. In his role he focuses on reserving, pricing oversight and risk capital modelling for alternative risk transfer solutions, internal reinsurance as well as conventional insurance products in corporate and specialty business. He has experience in risk management and reporting across Non-life, Life and Pension business, under various international regulatory regimes. Matvei is a qualified actuary in the Estonian Actuarial Society and the Swiss Actuarial Association. 

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